quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

Keep it in your heart: If the resignation became heavy for you, it means you lost focus and can not see the victory. The people of Israel allowed the resignation became heavy for him when he looked at what had resigned.   If you think "ah, you want to go to church today", then it means that the waiver became heavy for you and you no longer know their role in the body of Christ or lost focus of salvation which is in Christ alone. If you think "hmm, have prayer meeting today", then his resignation became heavy and you forgot to Christ wants you to fight as a soldier in His army. If you husband or wife leaves work and think "crazy yeah, have to go home now", then it means you have lost the focus of the success of your relationship, and you forgot that God wants to heal you and make it victorious. If you have the desire to quit your job or your college then mean that the waiver did you do to achieve those goals became heavy.   However, it is necessary to learn from one who did the most amazing and absurd renunciation of all time, Jesus. He resigned his glorious life for all sinners of all ages could be forgiven and gain eternal life. Jesus did not seek something useful for himself, because he decided to die so that you and I could live forever. Jesus remembered that the resignation was made in all the time, but not as a weight on your back or regretting having resigned, but with an unconditional love for all men.   To win, remember every day you resigned, but do not let the resignation becomes heavy in no time, because if this happens, you give up walking. So never lose faith that God's victory in your life will be fulfilled, so that you will always remain.   The Bible tells the story of several people who have resigned and won, and also tells the story of people who gave up resigning and therefore not achieved victory.

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